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Elvarity, Co. – 913.912.GROW
Elevate + Clarity = Elvarity

Unlock Leadership Excellence:

Elevate Your County Health Department with Elvarity Workshops for Health Department Leaders.

Gain clarity though our program designed to empower administrators, especially Nursing Professionals who have transitioned into leadership roles, to become more effective leaders, communicators, and visionaries.

Training Tailored to Health Department Administrators

Knowing yourself and inspiring others:

Many Health Department Administrators are working without formal management training. Elvarity fills this gap by providing targeted workshops to nurture leadership skills tailored to healthcare settings.

Building trust and managing communication:

Our workshops are crafted to meet the unique challenges faced by health department administrators, with a focus on creating a culture of accountability, communicating clear and fair practices, and recognizing and rewarding desired behaviors.

Organizational success and strategies:

From defining the vision and assessing current realities to determining priorities and evaluating results, Elvarity equips Administrators with the skill set needed for more successful and enjoyable collaboration with their board and their community.

85% agreed that Elvarity improved their professional relationships.

80% agreed that Elvarity gave them tools to achieve what they want.

79% agreed that Elvarity improved their ability to do their job.

66% apply tools and concepts from Elvarity regularly.

62% agreed that Elvarity motivated them to pursue bigger goals.

Elvarity Program Overview

DiSC Behavioral Assessment

DiSC helps explain people’s behaviors and communication styles. 

The Emotional Operating System

The EOS identifies how emotions are created and how to use them consciously to become more powerful as a leader.

The Values Triangle

The values of the organization inform employees about how mistakes are treated and also the way high achievers are recognized.

Create Effective Teams and Cast a Compelling Vision

People don’t just automatically work together. Teamwork is the result of vision and applied skills.

Providing Discipline and Accountability

Disciplinary action is an opportunity for the leader to build trust and motivation.

Mess Management

Extricating non-salvageable poor-performers without breaking any laws by finding the win-win solution of voluntary resignation and a hold-harmless resolution.

Organizational Culture

Creating a culture of success depends on consciously recognizing and rewarding desired behaviors and celebrating wins as an organization. 

Strategic Planning and Systems Development

Learn to assist your board in identifying and planning the future priorities of the Health Department.

Managing the Image and Reputation of the Organization

Incidents arise that can threaten the good reputation of the Health Department, and Administrators must be prepared to provide the means to survive the crisis.

Customized Delivery

We offer in-person and remote delivery, as well as destination get-away retreats.

Who We Are

Lidia Young, LSCSW, is a Licensed Specialist of Clinical Social Work (psychotherapist) with 20+ years executive coaching experience. As a clinically trained holistic professional, Lidia has a track record of significantly and consistently increasing individual performance as well as improving team cohesiveness and effectiveness. She is a seasoned facilitator and has worked with hundreds of high-level leaders, CEO’s, presidents, VP’s, directors and their management teams as well as Boards of Directors. She has extensive experience in root cause problem-solving, conflict resolution and management team development.

Lidia is a Daring Way™ Certified Facilitator (based on the research of Dr. Brene Brown). Dr. Brown’s work focuses upon authenticity, courage and wholeheartedness as an opportunity in life and work to gain life satisfaction and true success.

“My commitment to helping people is a direct result of my own unique journey. As the daughter of Ukrainian immigrants, I was literally born on the way to a new country. An unusual childhood gave me a keen sensitivity to the immense importance of culture, especially the transitions and stresses that happen to all people. I live and work in the Kansas City area.”


Steve M. Cohen specializes in human resources management and consulting.

Dr. Cohen has evaluated and developed human resource systems, policy and procedure manuals, conducted EEOC related investigations, Title VII prevention training and consulting, and post-allegation workouts. He has developed selection and recruiting systems, wage and salary systems, classification systems, performance appraisal programs, employee recognition programs, orientation programs, and on-going communications systems. Dr. Cohen has assisted many organizations resolve employee conflicts. His consulting experience covers associations, banking, governmental, health care, manufacturing and service settings. Skilled in all phases of training, his experience includes curriculum development, platform presentations and program evaluations. He has designed and presented courses for more than 20 years in a full variety of settings. His publications include management and personnel related articles in Contemporary Administrator magazine, School Bus Fleet magazine, Retirement Housing Report, and over one dozen association newsletters, including the American Society for Training and Development.

Ready to Invest in Your County Health Department's Future?

Contact us to discuss how Elvarity can empower you to "flip the script" and alter the narrative to create positive change.

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